During General Elections to Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies of Andhra Pradesh, the Police department stands at the forefront in curbing all illegal activities, particularly those related to the inducement and gratification of the items such as illegal cash, liquor, drugs, precious metals and freebies/ other items, therefore, the dept. is particularly focused on curbing the flow of Non-Duty Paid Liquor (NDPL) from states such as Odisha, Karnataka, Tamilnadu, Telangana, and Puducchery etc. There are a total of 150 Checkposts established on the border of AP, including 31 Integrated Checkposts manned by Police, SEB, Commercial Taxes, Transport & Revenue. Even 35 Border Mobile Patrolling Parties and 15 temporary checkposts have been established to curb all type of inducements.
The department is working closely and gathered intelligence inputs and employs various strategies tailored to different regions to prevent illegal movement of cash, liquor, drugs, precious metals and freebies/ other items including cross-border smuggling, storage, especially to stop the distribution of such items.
These concerted efforts have yielded the following results:
• During the 2019 elections, monetary value of illicit cash seized was Rs. 41.80 Crs. However, in the 2024 elections, value of cash seized is Rs. 107.96 and 7305 accused persons were arrested.
• During the 2019 elections, monetary value of illicit liquor (NDPL, DPL, FJ Wash) seized was Rs. 8.07 Crs. However, in the 2024 elections, value of illicit liquor seized is Rs. 58.70 Cr. (Police- 15.80 cr. & SEB – 42.90 Cr.) and 61543 accused persons were arrested.
• During the 2019 elections, monetary value of illicit drugs seized was Rs. 5.04 Crs. However, in the 2024 elections, value of illicit drugs seized is Rs. 35.61 Cr. (Police- 7.16 cr. & SEB – 28.45 Cr.) and 1730 accused persons were arrested.
• During the 2019 elections, monetary value of Precious metals seized was Rs. 27.17 Crs. However, in the 2024 elections, value of Precious metals seized is Rs. 123.62 Cr. and 42 accused persons were arrested.
• During the 2019 elections, monetary value of Freebies/ other items seized was Rs. 10.63 Crs. However, in the 2024 elections, value of freebies/other items seized is Rs. 16.98Cr. and 233 accused persons were arrested.
• Total no. of 3466 vehicles have been seized in all above cases.
During the GE-2024, the police department in-coordination with all other enforcement agencies worked hard and seized large amount of inducements.