HYDERABAD: Hindupur TDP MLA and actor Nandamuri Balakrishna who has donned the role of a chat show host manages to stay in the headlines for his foot-in-the-mouth statements. After his disrespectful way of addressing his father’s late NT Rama Rao’s colleagues Akkineni Nageshwara Rao and SV Ranga Rao, the actor has now landed in another controversy, and this time with his sexist remarks on nurses.
The actor in his recent talk show Unstoppable With NBK 2, with Jana Sena leader and actor Pawan Kalyan, he spoke about an old incident and addressed a nurse as really nice. He reportedly said on the show, “Dheenamma Bhalega undi akkadi nurse,” and this comment did not gone well with nurses in the Telugu States and netizens. The nurses demanded that the actor apoligise for his sexist remark.
Understanding the gravity of the situation Balayya responded to the controversy and took to his Facebook account and penned an apology letter as part of damage control to his volatile image. In a brief note, he first stated that his words were ‘misinterpreted’ and that he had the deepest respect for nurses. He said that he had the highest regard for nurses and held their work in the highest esteem. He spoke about he had personally seen how they worked at the Basavatarakam Cancer Hospital, and also the hard work and sacrifice they made during the pandemic. Though he did not apologise, Balakrishna expressed ‘regret’ if his words really offended them.
Andhra Pradesh Nursing Welfare Association President, Swchanda Prasad, on Saturday released a statement seeking an apology from senior Tollywood actor and politician, Nandamuri Balakrishna. He demanded that the actor and TDP MLA Nandamuri Balakrishna take back his comments against nurses made on a TV program and publicly apologize to them.
Nurses are also demanding that Pawan Kalyan should apologise for agreeing to his statements during the show. Why did he not object when Balakrishna made such a statement, they questioned.
With the newfound success through his chat show and his popularity among the younger generation, Balakrishna has become a bit flippant when it comes to his statements during film promotions and shows. A couple of days earlier he used an explicit word while talking on the stage much to the embarrassment of the younger actors like Sidhu Jonnalagadda and Vishwak Sen standing along with him.