VSEZ has recorded exports to the tune of Rs.2,24,631 crores
Srinivas Muppaala, IRSME, Zonal Development Commissioner, Visakhapatnam Special Economic Zone in a press release has stated that VSEZ has recorded exports to the tune of Rs.2,24,631 crores during the period year 2023-24 recording an increase of 24 % over the previous year for the corresponding period i.e., 2022-23. Of this, services exports are Rs.1,54,707/- crores and merchandise exports are Rs.69,924/- crores. Services exports grew by 18 % whilemerchandise exports increased by 43% over the previous year for the corresponding period. During the year, 31 new SEZ Unit proposals (Andhra Pradesh -9, Telangana-22) have been approved. One new SEZ has also been approved.
VSEZ has attracted investment of Rs.1,10,094crores and generated employment of 6,10,186 people as on 31.12.2023.
He has informed that during the 4thquarter(Jan-Mar’2024)fournew SEZ Unit proposals have been granted approval in the state of Telangana and one new SEZ Unit proposal in Andhra Pradesh. The newly approved SEZ units will make an investment of Rs.686.50crores and provide employment to 9587 people.
In Andhra Pradesh onenew SEZ unit proposals has been granted approvalto M/s.PSKS Golden Gem House Private Limited in Visakhapatnam Special Economic for processing of Diamond Cutting and Polishing and manufacture of Gold Ornaments (Plain/Studded).
In Telangana, four new SEZ Unit proposals have been granted approval (1). M/s. Evertop Textile & Apparel Complex Private Limited for textiles (2).M/s. GlobalLogic India Private Limited ( 3).M/s. Tailored Management India Pvt Limited (4). M/s. Forsys Software India Pvt. Limited are for IT/ITES.