AMARAVATI: The Andhra Pradesh government under Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy has been implementing various welfare schemes irrespective of caste, creed, or political affiliations. This was once again proved last week when the daughter of an opposition Telugu Desam Party (TDP) leader from Vizianagaram received financial aid to study abroad under the Jagananna Videshi Vidya Deevena scheme. She was was one among the 213 beneficiaries of this scheme when the CM released the first installment of financial assistance under the scheme.
Getting into details Sailaja was the daughter of Bodrothu Srinivasa Rao former sarpanch hailing from Sangam Village in Vizianagaram district. He had taken a loan to send his daughter to the U.S. for higher studies. Worried about how to repay the loan the Jaganna Videshi Vidya Deevena came as a huge relief for him.
As part of the scheme his daughter would Rs 84 lakh over the next two years and she can complete her education abroad without any hitches.
Speaking to the media, Srinivasa Rao said Sailaja studied at IIT in Hyderabad and then went to the U.S. Srinivasa Rao said he took a loan for her education and was worried whether he would be able to repay it. “Putting an end to my worries, my daughter got assistance under the scheme & we will always be indebted to CM YS Jagan Mohan Reddy. Sailaja also expressed her gratitude to the CM.